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AAUW Lubbock - Mission


To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy
AAUW Lubbock - Vision


Equality for all
AAUW Lubbock - Values


Nonpartisan - Fact-based - Integrity - Inclusion - Intersectionality

The Lubbock Betty Anderson Branch of AAUW is a community of women and men whose primary goal is to advocate, educate and support the education of women and girls in the Lubbock community.

Our main activity is a monthly program meeting (other than summers) at the Lubbock Women’s Club where we learn about issues important to Lubbock.

We have other opportunities to get involved with like-minded members of the community to learn, educate and support, including book club, lobby day at the state legislature, address public policy concerns and to celebrate women’s achievements on women’s equality day in the summer.

AAUW Lubbock Betty Anderson Branch

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