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AAUW Lubbock - Mission


To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy
AAUW Lubbock - Vision


Equality for all
AAUW Lubbock - Values


Nonpartisan - Fact-based - Integrity - Inclusion - Intersectionality

The national AAUW has been “empowering women since 1881”. The Lubbock Branch of the American Association of University Women was chartered in 1926 by many of the female pioneering leaders at Texas Tech.

The mission of AAUW is the promotion of the well-being of women and girls, especially in education. Anyone, female or male, who has at least a two-year college education is welcome to join.

Noted members of AAUW include Madame Curie, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Lilly Ledbetter, Sandra Day O’Connor, Lady Bird Johnson, Nancy Pelosi, and Shirley Chisholm.

AAUW Lubbock Betty Anderson Branch

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