Saving Places Waxahachie

Historic Waxahachie, Inc.

 Saving Places Waxahachie

 What historic place in Waxahachie means the most to you?

In 2022, Historic Waxahachie, Inc. (HWI) began a new program, “Saving Places Waxahachie,” to give our community the opportunity to share why an historic place at least 50 years old is important to them. The entries have been a wonderful sampling of the many historic places in Waxahachie. Every one of these places has a story. We asked people to share their stories.  Now we are sharing them with you.

The places and their stories that have been shared thus far have ranged from a grandmother’s house to the Waxahachie City Cemetery, and the stories highlight how our historic places add meaning to our lives. They also show us the value of preserving these places, with their stories.

Each place has a story and some have had a story told as can be found in the list below.  Others are still awaiting their story to be told.  As part of the 2023 Savings Places presentation program, Adam Graves with the help of others contributing photos, produced a presentation of pictures of historic buildings and places in Waxahachie.  Please enjoy this video.  It contains 187 slides of Waxahachie’s historic places.

Click here to see the Adam Graves video and Waxahachie’s historic places.

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